Trees are one of our planet’s longest living organisms… and they give us a multitude of benefits.
Here are some interesting tree facts you might not know.
• Approximately one third of the U.S. is covered in forests.
• The life expectancy of the average urban/city tree is only 8 years. (Due to negligence, soil compaction, human damage & other factors.)
• During its lifetime one tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide.
• In the U.S., trees can reduce annual heating and cooling costs by 2.1 Billion dollars (!), due to their shade & wind buffering effect.
• In one year, one mature tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen. (This would supply enough oxygen for 2 people for 1 on year.)
• One tree can absorb the carbon from a car driven for 26,000 miles.
• On average, every person in the U.S. uses about 750 pounds of paper a year. About 95% of U.S. homes are built using wood. This translates to every person using a 100ft. tall 16” diameter tree every year to supply paper & wood needs.
• The tallest tree in the world is in California. It is a Giant Redwood Sequoia standing at 275 ft. with with a 25 ft girth!
• The oldest trees in the world are 4,600 year old Bristlecone Pines.
Although we at Bradley Tree & Landscape do all kinds of tree removal, tree pruning, tree & shrub care and are certified Arborists, we understand the importance of trees in our world and in our urban landscapes. Sometimes removals are necessary for a variety of reasons. Sometimes pruning is the best option. Whatever the case, we’re in business to help you manage your tree-scapes. Give us a call at 603-886-1550 or 603-669-0707. Happy Holdiays!
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