Bradley Tree Cordwood
Our Goal – to sell you the wood you need, when you need it, in the quantity you expect. Whether it is cut & split, tree length or our custom split long length wood, we want it to be what you need and expect: nicely sized & seasoned clean hardwood.

Cut & Split 0 – 3 Months Ago

Semi-Seasoned – SOLD OUT
Cut & Split 3 – 7 Months Ago

Seasoned – SOLD OUT
Cut & Split 8 – 12 Months Ago
Free Local Delivery.
Deliveries are approximately 1 week out.
We will call before delivery to arrange for payment & delivery location.
*Please note that price is subject to change
How It’s Done
Cut & split cordwood is processed on our custom built Multitek processor with an 8 way wedge, cut to 16 inch length.
It is windrowed into piles and allowed to air dry and season for 10 to 12 months. During this time it is rolled over with our front end Loader to allow the wood to dry evenly.
The Difference
Prior to delivery it is processed through our Tumbler which removes all loose bark & debris. Finally, it’s in the delivery truck & on the way to your home. We can deliver our cut & split cordwood in ½ cord, 1 cord, or 2 cord loads at a time.
Our Custom Split Long Length Wood comes from oversize wood too big to be processed as standard cut and split. Lengths are from 4 feet to 9 feet and run through our massive splitter. This splits these lengths into 4 pieces, making them manageable for those who want to cut & split their own cordwood. These are delivered in either 4 or 8 cord loads. Call for pricing.
We are the area’s largest supplier of cordwood. 90% of our customers are repeat customers. Buy your cordwood from us and you won’t buy anywhere else!