Bradley Tree Removal Service
Tree Removals are done for a variety of both practical and aesthetic reasons. A tree may be dead or dying, too large, an undesireable species, there may be too many or a tree may be in the way of construction.
Because removals are inherently dangerous getting the right company and equipment to do the job is important. Tree removals can be done at any time of year. Using our 65 ton All Terrain Crane with 165′ Boom along with our 92′ Lift increases safety and minimizes any potential hazards.
Tim Bradley has owned and operated his business since 1986.
At that time most tree services did the work of removals by climbing – physically difficult & dangerous.
State of the art equipment is now used – a 65 ton DeMag All Terrain Crane with 165′ Boom and a 92′ self-propelled Lift for accessing just about any area, all of which expedites the work and increases safety. To finish the job, a Europe Chipper 1060, two chip trucks, a Log truck, and a low-impact Stump Grinder may be used.
When Tim and his crew remove your tree(s) you’ll be very pleased with the job.