Category: Spring

  • bee on orange marigold

    Helping the Pollinators


    The weather is warmer and the days are longer, and the pollinators are out! Some of the typical pollinators that people will think of are butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds but there are actually more than just those! There are numerous types of flies that pollinate as well as beetles, moths, and even wasps. Fossil records…

  • oak tree

    Amazing Trees

    There are amazing trees all around us.  And one of the best times to really appreciate them is during the times when they are bare of leaves. That’s when their structure, size and age are so apparent. This particular tree, in a Pelham NH cemetery, is a white Oak.   It has a lot going…

  • flowering tree

    Ahhhh…. SPRING! (or it will be, soon)

    And to help usher Spring in, here’s an enticing offer. 10 Free Trees This comes from one of our favorite groups, The Arbor Day Foundation.  Whether you live in an urban or country neighborhood, there are trees that are just right for you. Maybe you need easily managed ‘ornamentals’. Or perhaps you want a Wild…

  • SPRING (and tree & landscape work) is Coming!

    SPRING (and tree & landscape work) is Coming! Soon we’ll be seeing the trees in our landscapes beginning to leaf out once again. The growing season is about to start and now is the time to schedule your Deep Root Tree Fertilization. Why fertilize with this method? Because deep root fertilizing is best for your…