Have you noticed many of the white Pines have been dropping their needles?
Or looking like they’re losing their needles?
What’s going on?

It’s the result of a fungus that attacks the needles. It was exacerbated by the wet Autumn of 2023 and the wet Spring of 2024, a part of climate change.
The fungus attacking the needles is called “needle cast”. It attacks the second and third year needles, causing the tree to lose those needles and begin to look sparce. This current years’ foliage is not affected. Many of the trees will recover, though some will not. So you’ll want to keep an eye on your trees and see if they recover.

What Can You Do?
If possible, thin your trees out to improve spacing – allowing sunlight and wind to dry them out.
You’ll notice that trees at higher elevations and getting more sun and wind have less damage, while tightly clustered trees with limited sun and wind will tend to show signs of “needle cast”.

As always, keeping your trees healthy is best. To do so you’ll want to:
Eliminate Soil Compaction – don’t park your vehicles under your trees. Tree roots need oxygen, water and nutrients in the soil, and if that soil is compacted that tree will decline.
Mulch Correctly – mulching and bringing it out to the tree’s dripline will protect and nourish the trees root system.
Proper Pruning – Removing dead and dying and diseased branches keep your trees safe, healthy and looking the best they can.
At Bradley Tree and Landscape we’re all about Trees.
At times, and for different reasons, tree removals are necessary.
Other times, it’s pruning a tree or trees that’s needed.
Whatever your tree needs give us a call at 603-886-1550.
We’re here to help.
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