We’re both a member and a big fan of The Arbor Day Foundation

We’re both a member and a big fan of The Arbor Day Foundation and would like
to share an article from their library.

Tree Damage & Tree Repair

Storm Recovery – First Aid for Trees

In the aftermath of a major storm, the first impulse is often to clear away as much as possible.
But rash decisions can often result in removing trees that could have been saved.
Following best practices helps determine whether your trees can survive. Here are six rules to

    Don’t try to do it all yourself. If large limbs are broken or hanging, or if high climbing or overhead chainsaw work is needed, hire a professional arborist.

Take safety precautions. Look up and down. Be on the alert for downed power lines,
hanging branches and broken limbs. Stay away from any downed utility lines, low-
voltage telephone and cable lines. Fence wires can also become electrically charged.

Remove any broken branches still attached to the tree. Removing the jagged remains
of smaller-sized broken limbs is a common repair that, if done properly, reduces the risk
of tree decay. Smaller branches should be pruned at the point where they join larger

Repair torn bark. Carefully use a chisel or sharp knife to smooth the edges of wounds
where bark has been torn away. Limit cambium (greenish inner bark) exposure, as these
fragile layers contain food and water lifelines between roots and leaves.

Resist the urge to overprune. Don’t worry if your tree appears unbalanced or naked.
Trees heal quickly, grow new foliage and return to their natural beauty.

Don’t top your trees.  Professional arborists advise that “topping” or cutting main
branches back to stubs, makes your tree more dangerous during future storms and reduces
the foliage required for nourishment and re-growth. (See Illustration).

So, don’t be this fellow…

Do yourself and your trees a favor and hire a professional Arborist.
To become a member of The Arbor Day Foundation to www.arborday.org


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