Author: custom@tree
What Do You Know About Pruning?
Good pruning helps trees. Bad pruning causes problems. The goal is to make your trees healthier, more attractive and safer to be around. Because trees in an urban or residential area have different environmental needs (think poor placement, drought, soil impaction, nutrient deficits) than forested trees, our residential trees require some extra time and attention. …
The Invader in our Woods and Landscape
Who or what is this invader? It’s Oriental Bittersweet, one of the worst invasive plants in North America. It all began in the 1860’s, brought from Asia as an ornamental landscape plant and also used by florists and crafts people because of it’s decorative orange and yellow berries on vine stems. It is…
What’s Going On with the Pines?
Have you noticed many of the white Pines have been dropping their needles? Or looking like they’re losing their needles? What’s going on? It’s the result of a fungus that attacks the needles. It was exacerbated by the wet Autumn of 2023 and the wet Spring of 2024, a part of climate change.…
Helping the Pollinators
The weather is warmer and the days are longer, and the pollinators are out! Some of the typical pollinators that people will think of are butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds but there are actually more than just those! There are numerous types of flies that pollinate as well as beetles, moths, and even wasps. Fossil records…
Amazing Trees
There are amazing trees all around us. And one of the best times to really appreciate them is during the times when they are bare of leaves. That’s when their structure, size and age are so apparent. This particular tree, in a Pelham NH cemetery, is a white Oak. It has a lot going…